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Lab Test Search
Meera avatar
Written by Meera
Updated over a week ago

Lab Test Search Report

Here are some ideas to get you started........

Path -  Report --> Lab Test Search

With the help of this report you can search Tests/Patients Multipal ways.
( Multipal filters & combinations available )

1 --> From/To Date - Search through date range
2 --> Department - Search through department ( Like Biochemistry,Clinical Pathology,Microbiology,Serology)
3 --> Test - Search through specific tests ( Like CBC,Widal Test,LFT,Blood Group)
4 --> Coll.Center - Search through specific collection center
5 --> Ref.Doctor - Search through specific reference doctor
6 --> Types - Search IPD/OPD patients
7 --> Billing Group - Search Through Specific Billing Group
8 --> Reg.No - Search through specific Registration Number
9 --> CC Reg.No - Search Through collection center Registration Number
10 --> Patient - Search through specific patient
11 --> Normal - Search normal test result reports
         Abnormal - Search abnormal result reports
         Printed - Search already printed reports
         Not Printed - Search not printed reports
12 --> Seen - Search seen reports
          Unseen - Search not seen reports
13 --> Able to take pdf or excel for print
14 --> Search - After filtering need to click search button

Test Details -
After search you can see all patient details in box

Send SMS -          Able to send test result to reference doctor.
Print Report -        You can take printout of reports.
Barcode -              Able to print barcode.
PathLab Reports - Provide edit report facility ( Run Time )

If the amount is pending you can find outstanding details from here also.

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