Step 1 - Select Configuration > Service Structure > Services
Step 2 - Follow Below Steps for edit Add Lab Services.
Service Code - Eg" Complete blood Cell " then you may enter CBC or if Its Haematology test then enter HHT01
Service Name - Test name " Blood Sugar fasting"
Lab Group - Select appropriate group or department test
Bill Group - Select appropriate Bill group
Report type - Select normal value
Machine Interfacing - Select If machine interfacing is done
Show with Graph - Graph is available for selected machines
External - Select If the test is outsourced.
Text Format - Select in case of descriptive or radiology test
Short Code - Select your proper short code
Sort Order - Enter number for Pre - Sorting test during printing
Step 3 - After successfully saving this test/service you need to add the test information parameters, service rate.
A - Test information
With the help of test information you are able to add Interpretation,Note & General Instructions. These comments are shown at the time of report print
B - Parameters
Step 1 - Go to Services & select service code Eg. BCB03
Step 2- Click on Parameter for adding or delete.
Step 3 - Click on Add parameter button for adding new or click on the delete button for deleting.
Add parameter name eg. Blood Sugar PP
Select Data type Numeric : eg.
a) If the test result in numeric, then select numeric b) If the test result in text, then selects Long text, Auto, Text ....Etc.
3. Adding Code related to Service eg. Text, BP, PP etc.
4. Sequence for which sequence that parameter you want. eg. 1
5. Units eg. mg/dl related to test.
6. Default Value eg. For Instrument used, method, kit you can add a default value.
7. Normal Value eg. 110 -160 (which is related to test parameter)
8. Formula eg. It relates to service and its depend on the Code. (3)
9. Lower range and upper range for Highlight the value. eg. 110 -60
10. Extreme lower range and Extreme Upper range for highlight and show restriction of value
11. Criteria :- eg. Male / Female / other (you can set normal range as per their criteria)
12. Lower Age range and Upper Age range
Eg. LAR 1 Day to UAR 16 Day ranges 30 -80
LAR 16 Day to UAR 3 Months ranges 80 - 180
LAR 3 Months to UAR 17 Years ranges 80 - 110
LAR 17 years to UAR 100 Years ranges 110 -160
( You can set ranges as per age criteria)
13. Method eg. GOD POD
14. Format Eg. 1. Decimal Point (Like 120.0)
2. Decimal Points (Like 120.00)
3. Decimal Points (Like 120.000)
4. Decimal Points (Like 120.0000)
Prefix: In front of number: - 09.9
15. Context: If you add any statement or word its help to show to while you typed
16. Hide label: To hide the label on parameter screen. This especially needed when data is coming from interfaced machine.
17. Hide label on the report: you can hide label on patients test report.
18. Local Dictionary: you can use keywords words from local dictionary.
19. Wrapper.
20.Calculative: if you are adding formula which is based on other fields.
21. Prefix zero : in front of number: - eg: 09.9
22. Postfix zero : back of the number:- eg: 980
23. Result on SMS: If the user wants to send that parameter on SMS.
24. Shown on parameter history : if user want this parameter on History
C - Service Rate.
After adding new service need to enter service rate for bill purpose -
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